Lemme share a quick Friday-morning story with you.
I started a business doing automotive paint chip, scratch and scuff repair. I fix cars on dealership lots. I’m a great guy (short story, no time for modesty) and consequently the business is growing nicely. And the greatest testament to my success is the trust these guys have in what I do.
So, I wanted to honor, or recognize that trust with my APPRECIATION. Hence the coins.
Well, they’ve taken this whole honor thing to another, irrelevant level: (1) they look forward to getting coins when I drop in (the free hand-out), and (2) one dealer even uses them to reward a sales rep each time a car is sold!!!
So, I’m a supplier on TWO levels now…!!
It’s actually with great pride that I hand these things out – like candy, since that’s essentially what they are – and it’s with even greater pride that I see how much they enjoy them. Just yesterday I got a smile out of two sales guys who were standing outside in the cold smoking cigarettes, when I walked up to them, invited them to open their palms, and I dropped two small hand-fulls into each of their hands.
“Dave’s a really nice guy, but he also has CHOCOLATE!!…”
This was the reaction I had hoped for; this is the reason for doubling the size of my latest order.