Thank You Casino

Our Belgian milk chocolate ‘Thank You’ casino chips are made with world-renowned Callebaut® chocolate producing a very well balanced milk, cocoa and subtle caramel taste.

These 1-½” diameter chocolate chips come eighty to a pound. One or both sides of your coins can be imprinted using a process called “debossing.” Your designs are stamped into the foil and pressed down into the chocolate as well. You’ll get an assortment of the casino foil colors to make them look just like the real thing!

Don’t settle for inferior quality chocolate. Your guests deserve the rich, creamy taste and texture only pure Belgian chocolate can offer. Along with it, you’ll get the selection, service and wicked goodness only Foiled Again! can deliver.


Please note that casino chips are produced in an assortment of colors. Your order will contain a variety of the foil color combinations.

Order Today - Next Minting Ships May 20th

May 13th Minting - SOLD OUT
May 6th Minting - SOLD OUT


At ¢ a coin, your subtotal is $. You save $!
Choose another quantity for discounts.

SKU: THX-c-100 | Weight .2 oz | Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × .125 in | Category:

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These were perfect (and delicious) for my company trade show. We will be purchasing more in the future! Loved our company logo on the coin – great branding. Communication was great and they even gave us a custom color combo with our company colors.

June 28th, 2023